
"GG WP" sends despite being turned off?

Am I only the only one getting this problem? I've double checked my settings.
It's happening for 2 days.
You are not alone.I’ve got the same issue...
Yes, I just realized this as well. I can create a GitHub issue if you want.

Have a nice day
What device are you on, because it happens only to me on some games and only when I play on phone never when I play on computer, which is apparently a browser bug.
I've got this same problem as well - I'm on my computer using Firefox.

@CalbernandHowbe do you know anything more about the browser bug? Anything I can do to fix it myself in that case?
thibault extension? more like thibault virus XD the extension decided to work without permission and spread words of kindness all across the internet 🤣
I've cleared cache and cookies and everything is working good, maybe it was a fix tho.

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