
Losing to a cheater - Point refunds

#6 yeah i agree that game isn't enough, but if you look over a number of his other games then it seems like a safe bet.
in any case i wasn't giving an opinion on whether he cheated or not, just saying where that refund came from and thus who was his banned opponent.
"inductive reasoning seems to point to this game ~>"

Would you mind explaining your process? I got awarded some points three days ago. I went to my history and began mousing over players' names looking for some indicator that they were marked as a cheater. Still haven't found the entry, and I presume I'm totally looking in the wrong place.
How is cheating possible? You move when it is your turn. How can cheating occur?
Use of computers is the big cheating issue with online chess.
one of those got marked, then accidentally unmarked and was then remarked as engine. This probably silenced the refund notification, but you should still have gotten the points.

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