
my friend is furious

My friend got very angry at me.
He was inactive for years but had given me passwords for his accounts several weeks ago.
Today having noticed closed accounts i informed him that his accounts were closed. He got furious, accusing me for heavy wrongdoing.
He was inactive but still haden't wanted accounts closed.
Can he appeal from one of closed accounts?
Wait, did you close his accounts, or were they banned by the system for multi accounting?
So your friend became extremely irate over a few accounts that they barely used?
And they gave you the passwords to those accounts, fully knowing that you could do anything on them?
And then they proceeded to accuse you of closing the accounts without proper evidence?
Sounds like a bad friend.

Also note that account sharing is against the lichess terms of service and account owners are responsible for everything that happens on their account.
I didn't close his accounts @Hung_The_Chessboy but they are closed not banned. I tried to log in again into one and it's explained it's closed by moderation process and can be appealed. He is messaged to visit with one of his accounts.
And you are right @M0r1. He shouldn't given me a favor. It's against the TOS.
@mdobrasinuniduha said in #6:
> I didn't close his accounts @Hung_The_Chessboy but they are closed not banned. I tried to log in again into one and it's explained it's closed by moderation process and can be appealed. He is messaged to visit with one of his accounts.
> And you are right @M0r1. He shouldn't given me a favor. It's against the TOS.

I'm still quite confused. Why did he give you the passwords in the first place? And is all of this why your own account is marked for violating TOS?
@MentalFugues my account has been banned for years. I asked the passwords to see something.
His accounts got closed probably because my account was banned. I noticed, he didn't. He is inactive for years. That's why he gave me passwords. Still he got angry.
Nevertheless, he violated TOS, and must appeal if he wants to play again. There's nothing more that can be said about it.
@mdobrasinuniduha said in #9:
> @MentalFugues my account has been banned for years. I asked the passwords to see something.
> His accounts got closed probably because my account was banned. I noticed, he didn't. He is inactive for years. That's why he gave me passwords. Still he got angry.
> Nevertheless, he violated TOS, and must appeal if he wants to play again. There's nothing more that can be said about it.

I see. Maybe. Well, thanks for the reply and best of luck sorting things out!

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