
Game got disconnected in the middle for no reason, having good network strength too

Got the error page something went wrong while in the game but opponent didn't face any much issues
It seems the server is having some hickups. Getting really slow response from the server, even though it indicates I have a low lag time.
I've got the same issue myself. Can access the site but can't access my game in progress to play it as it just gives an error, so will probably lose on time :( Not really fair
Yep, lost my game too. It looked like my opponent didn't move. My chat didn't work either. Is refreshing the page the solution?

Refreshing page doesn't help. Yet, whatever was causing it... it seems to be gone now. Getting good server response here.
When this happens why does lichess not stop the games and give an option to resume? Seems stupid to lose rating points and interesting positions.
I had an issue about ten or 15 minutes ago too. Mid-game, I am completely winning (move 38/39) but with not much time on the clock. It looks like the opponent leaves the game at this point (his light is grey, mine green) Then suddenly the position jumps back to about 5 moves ago, a critical position, I'm completely thrown by all the pieces suddenly jumping and what's worse, only 10 seconds on my clock! I make a different move just to see what happens and not lose on time - lichess excepts the move and the game carries on (except now i'm in a lost position!).

Move 39 I play Qb6+ first time around, he obviously made a king move and I didn't spot that it was mate in one but was completely winning still a few moves later.
I was waiting for opponent to make a move (for 25 minutes) and in fact I lost the game on time (probably due to a bug), how crazy is that? Lichess should have a policy for this issues, it's just not fair to loose rating points like this...
Guys, figuring out what to do when server response collapses isn't as simple as it sounds. The first question is: what is causing it? And given the actual cause, is it possible to implement some protocol in handling it?

And most of all: isn't the time invested in doing that not better spent figuring out the cause and fixing / preventing that instead?

I'm sure the Lichess tech people are doing their best to do exactly that.
"Why did the bridge collapse, causing all the cars to fall into the river? Couldn't there be some system to stop the bridge collapsing, or detecting when the bridge was collapsing so all the cars could sort of magically move off the bridge so no cars fall into the river?"

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