
About crazyhouches studios

I ask developers for the opportunity to create not only studios about standard chess, but also studios about variations, crazyhouse and others.

This is very important, otherwise it is not clear how the player can improve the skills of playing these variations.
Is there like, that one *really good* crazyhouse study to introduce beginners?
@Cedur216 said in #4:
> Is there like, that one *really good* crazyhouse study to introduce beginners?

I recommend okei's blog "Guide to Crazyhouse" and his personal blog for more info.
@Deadban said in #3:
> Конечно, вы можете создавать сумасшедшие дома, почему вы думаете, что не можете?
Hah, thanks. I find this options change variants in study. Mods can close this topic, if want.
And just where is Crazyhouches anyway? (I'd like to know before I decide to move there).

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