
Incorrect result

According to the FIDE Laws of Chess §6.9, if a checkmate is possible with any legal sequence of moves, then the game is not a draw.
Could you tell me any legal sequence of moves in which checkmate is possible in this position?
And if checkmate is impossible, then why Black is lost?
Lichess has it (to the extent of my knowledge) that if checkmate is TECHNICALLY possible with the pieces on the board it is a win. Lichess does NOT take into account things such as stalemate. This situation is guarenteed stalemate but Lichess does not care, only looking at the material on the board.
Yes, it is a draw and yes, it's one of the cases described in
I think it's a bit unfair to say that Lichess doesn't care, it's just that there are 5 million games played each day and it's not an easy thing to check at this scale.
I have no complaints about lichess, I was just pointing out a small bug in determining the result. If it can be fixed, then fine, if not, then okay, it's a very rare case indeed

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