
How to make the timer countdown per move not per game & how to had confirm button

New to Lichess and chess in general. Want to play games with a time on the move not the entire game. like 60 seconds or 60 minutes on the move but no the whole game being timed.

Also how do I add the confirm button in our games.

These are play with a friend rated games that im trying to do this in.
thanks @iBishop and as for the confirmation button, does that only appear for certain games?
You have several options: Never/Correspondence/Correspondence or unlimited/always
Correspondence games are those in which you have several days to move. Unlimited are those in which you have infinite time. If you are not playing either of those with your friend, you probably want to choose "always", which will have the button in all game that you play.
Unfortunately there is currently no option to play a game with a "non-accumulative" delay, with the exception of correspondence games, which are days per move. The closest thing is the increment, which adds a set amount of time to your clock on each move. To set the time for a game, set the base time (in minutes) and the increment (in seconds), your clock will start with the base time and be increased by the value of the increment on every move you make.
To add the move-confirm button, click on your name on the top-right corner of the screen, then click on the "Preferences" (third item from the top) button, then click on "Game behavior" (third item from the top) near the top left of the preferences page, then scroll down to "Move confirmation" (sixth option from the top) in the main body of the page. You can set that to "Never", "Correspondence", "Correspondence and unlimited", or "Always". While you're there, you could check the other preferences and set them as you desire.
You mentioned rated games, those can only be played between two accounts, your options are independent of each-other, so one of you can use confirmation while the other doesn't.
Good luck in your games!
Thanks! last question when you said 1+60 game did you mean Increment in seconds: Minutes per side? 1 and 60 ?

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