
Engine telling the actual play strength

I'm sure that average centi pawn loss is not a good indicator of someone's play.
(Sometimes I get 10 avcntpwn loss). Maybe there is some engine app or something somewhere developed to tell someones play strength.
Based on the overall play according to time controll, and basically somehow like a human way to determine of someone strength in that particular game.
It would be awesome to try to obtain like a GM level and to get to know this for at least one game once for a while. Could be like a 'fide elo' given to that one game play.
Any chess and programming engeeners here, hope you like the idea.
I think that these kinds of app developers and maybe AI are making much more inteligent, flexible and more similar to human kind of smartness things these days, so it would be possible to crafts such a thing, develope like normal chess engines and I think it would make an awesome popularity.
Much more then normal engines like stockfish, telling the rough statistics.
Not caring how much complex position might have been comparing to very easy ones - evaluating always the same in cold blood like a machine.

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