
Study interactive lessons: default to preview or interactive mode as creator?

I'm trying to create some personal tactics for myself by having study chapters with a given position and a few moves to play through in interactive lesson mode. The issue is that when I open the study, each chapter defaults to showing the full move list and I have to manually hit "Preview" to enter the interactive lesson mode preview. Is there any way to default it to show me the preview or the lesson the way others would see it? Or do I as the creator to have to hit preview for each position I want to quiz myself on?
You can play your own interactive studies/chapters as anonymous user. (Log out from your account).
If the "visibility mode" of the study is "public", then you have access to your studies using your profile page or a link in your browser.
If the "visibility mode" of your study is "invite only", then you must change this setting to "public" or "Unlisted".
A study with the setting "unlisted" can then be accessed using a link in your browser.
It seems you have to hit preview, which is a bit counter productive, because you have now seen the answer.
I would expect a setting in the study edit window, to allow you to save it as an executable study / complete study / I don't know what the correct naming of such an option would be - help out.
I think it would be a reasonable request to improve the study tool - which is already invaluable!
How do we suggest it? Is it enough to mention it here, will a developer pick it up, or is there a more suitable place to suggest it?
Edit: On the other hand it might be more suitable under the chapter edit window.
What is edit chapter -> Analysis mode -> Hide the next move
supposed to do?
I almost thought I had it, but it doesn't hide anything, or am I using it wrong?
Another edit: If the chapter could just remember that it was saved with preview on?
@Bishop1964 Thanks! That's a good workaround.

@xK4LIBUR I think the "hide next moves" setting also just hides the moves from other users, not from yourself. And as for feature suggestions, I don't know where or if those are solicited...

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