
I keep having small disconnections during the last 2 seconds of the games.

Is there any lichess programmer listening? What are the processes during the very end of the time? Can someone please check the network log file of my last game? ( I never played the 45 move because I got disconnected for about a second and I had to make the same mouse move for multiple times till the very end. This happens only in the last seconds! Why? Thank you.
@OneAttack said in #1:
> Is there any lichess programmer listening? What are the processes during the very end of the time? Can someone please check the network log file of my last game? ( I never played the 45 move because I got disconnected for about a second and I had to make the same mouse move for multiple times till the very end. This happens only in the last seconds! Why? Thank you.
Hello! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't believe your request can be completed, because all the info regarding the game should be exactly what everyone can see. I don't think lichess is keeping any kind of secret "network logs". Connection issues are unfortunately a common problem at time scrambles, but there is nothing that can be done unfortunately, at least from the devs' side. Your connection can only be checked or improved by your end. Hope this answers your question. Cheers!

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