
[Bug] Broken Practise

Whilst on the topic i like to report a bug with "Practices with The computer" and it is as follows:

[Bug] First go to so we can recreat the senario now play 1.Nb3 he should respond KB7 now play 2.Na5+ He should awnser Kb6. Now ask for a hint and show best move and it tells you Nc6 play it and ask again for hint and show best move and it tells you to go back too Na5+ . And it will do this forever so the hint and best move doesn't really work.
I too second this. Skewer is no longer working for me, but it did some time ago..
A few Hours after post both issue were resolved after beeing present for some time. At the time #3 posted Skewer worked for me, so that was strange. [Bug] Today there is "404" problems with "Checkmate Patterns 4" double checked all other links and found them working. (Difference today is I reseted my progress )

Best Regards
[Bug]I've found that the Broken links are personal and might be related to your progress?? not sure but, when signed in to my account and I press Cmp 4 i get directed to /practice/checkmates/checkmate-patterns-iv/96Lij7wH but if i sign out its /practice/checkmates/checkmate-patterns-iv/96Lij7wH/qr2pOlrL and that link works. Hope i've helped fixing the problem.
I completed the broken ones before they were bugged (yay!) ,and I don't know why they are broken.
Thanks, I know yesterday a bug was fixed. Is there still an open issue? :-(

I confirm that Checkmate Patterns 4, The Skewer and Overloaded pieces aren't working anymore for me either, (I get the "404 page not found")
The Fork and everything else seem to work fine for me.
I' m using chrome.

Have a nice day.

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