
Profile picture/avatar

It would be nice feature every player to have a profile picture or avatar.
It would be nice for everyone to be ABLE to have a profile picture... but I believe it was rejected years ago as an anti social media thing.
I also think that it would be a great feature.
copied from similier topic: mdinnerspace edited3 hours ago #7
Useless advertisement. Soon gifs appear. The atmosphere becomes that of a sandbox. Who needs to see an avatar Everywhere? Games, posts, messages, questions... all kiddy stuff.
Think people want to see yours? Put it in your profile. Simple enough. The site is CLEAN in appearance. No need to ruin it. A kiddy sandbox atmosphere? Go to CC. You'll be happy.
The difference is lichess is more about playing chess, not creating a "social network".
An avatar is a "form" of advertisement. Half the people will change theirs every other day. Don't really see the point of "pictures" appearing everywhere you look.

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