
Engine Loads Endlessly

I've been having an ongoing issue on Lichess where the engine loads endlessly in the analysis board. Sometimes it's fixed if I reload the page a couple of times, but then I'll go to the next move and it'll load endlessly again. I'm using Firefox on Windows. Does anyone else experience this? How do I fix it?
I sometimes experience this.
(1) Just log out of the browser and then coming back into lichess.
(2) Or you have some background programs going on. Close them!
(3) Or your computer is running out of memory. Make more!
I sometimes experience this. I also reload the page. It's only happened to me a few times. It happens when I scroll back to an earlier position (from a puzzle's solution), and try to explore a variation.

I'm using Firefox on Windows.
@Mitchum1 said in #1:
> I'm using Firefox on Windows.

I'm using Firefox on Linux, and I don't have any problems like this. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. But maybe you could try a different browser and see if it just happens with firefox? Because if it happens with other browsers as well, it might be your system? (It's just a vague guess)
I have this too sometimes, not very frequently, on firefox too. But I never had to do anything more than reload the page once.
It has been happening to me 100% of times on my Chrome/Android phone (but not on App/Android) for more than a month now. Even restarting my phone didn't help. I have not seen this problem on Chrome/Linux or Chrome/Android tablet.

But inspired by @lucky_Nan I first tried to log out and when it didn't help, I have just cleared all cookies and logged back again. It did help! :-)

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