
Lichess' code of conduct and how it gets applied can be a bit frustrating

Like how a sponge soaks up water, so also a chess player should be ready to dunk themselves in pure frustration of all kinds, and eventually learn to translate that onto a game of chess. Not for display on public forums though.

Just kidding, but seriously move on to another game. The username and ratings are different, behind the screen we are all the same!
Use Zen mode.
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #14:
> My point is the hypocrisy of Lichess. I'm not allowed to be upset at a user's bad behavior, but someone is allowed to harass me through sinking my rating then leaving at their first loss?
> It's unsportsmanlike! It's hypocrisy!
> The bad language was just an example that you keep sticking on for whatever reason, to demonstrate why I could reasonably become frustrated by somebody, and to demonstrate this hypocrisy.
> My complaint isn't that I should be able to call someone a sore loser for their bad behavior, but that Lichess should curb these sorts of bad behaviors as well!

Part of the reason you might be getting overwhelmingly negative feedback in this thread is that you entitled it "Lichess' code of conduct and how it gets applied" and have yet to reference the code of conduct in any significant level of detail.

The other part is because herding cats on the internet isn't even remotely feasible; compare rules to sites like 81Dojo which have strict codes of conduct and ban players if even their moves are disrespectful.
@StanFurd said in #20:
> The idea that, having won a game, I am obliged to keep playing the same player over and over until his honor is satisfied ... completely baffles me. That's not how the adult world works.

I don't even know what this "That's not how the adult world works" means or how it's relevant, but OK.

I think sinking ratings and then leaving at your first loss is unsportsmanship at the least :)
@Toadofsky said in #22:
> The other part is because herding cats on the internet isn't even remotely feasible; compare rules to sites like 81Dojo which have strict codes of conduct and ban players if even their moves are disrespectful.

Lichess could implement a match system in the Lobby / Quick Match :)
@thefrickouttaherelol said in #24:
> Lichess could implement a match system in the Lobby / Quick Match :)

Yes, Lichess could divide the main player pool in half and nobody would ever get a game.
@Toadofsky said in #25:
> Yes, Lichess could divide the main player pool in half and nobody would ever get a game.
Is this a serious reply? Are people even CLOSE to struggling to finding games now?

Some other thoughts:

1) The # of people who would use the match lobby is not yet known. So "in half" seems like a baseless presumption? But you are a Lichess dev so maybe you have more stats on this and we're actually close to this threshold or something, but to me that sounds kind of dismissive? Can you at least try to consider (assuming you believe it has any value) any realistic ways a match-pairing feature can be introduced without negatively impacting the site?

2) Tournaments / arena could be used as an alternative match lobby if you're SERIOUSLY concerned about the main lobby being interfered with

3) Plenty of other Lichess features (puzzles, tournaments, challenging other players directly, etc.) have been introduced without people being able to find games.
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Unlike most of the people here (apparently), I do agree with you that it was bad sportsmanship and should be regulated. However, I also think that it is practically infeasible to regulate properly. For starters, not everyone thinks this case was bad sportsmanship, so any warnings/bans whatsoever are going to ruffle a lot of feathers. Also, this seems fairly rare in general and most cases are even more in the gray area than yours, to make it not really worth implementing, and even if it was, I imagine the false positives would be far too high to make sense anyway (if they had to leave for some unrelated reason). I think the distinguishing feature between this and the other two which are regulated is that those waste your time and in general have no possible benefit for you; this doesn't.
@ben3536 said in #28:
> ...

So what would you think about a feature in Lichess where you could join a match lobby or tournament? Rather than a typical tournament or lobby where it's one game and you are free to leave, you are matched with the same people for multiple games and then move onto another opponent, racking up rating points and / or arena points as you go.
Honestly, the tournament idea with rematches allowed or required sounds better to me. But I've had a number of bad ideas over the years too... hm.

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