
Annoying arrows

So I think it happens after I turn the analysis board on when I fail a puzzle and don't understand the solution. Then the next puzzle has the weird arrows.
@tourdivoire My friend in the screenshot you provide ( this is the best move... (well not the best move, but it leads to white mating black anyway, the reason its not the best move I guess is that as far as I can see you are using your phone and its CPU power isnt as strong as my desktop which found a better one, none the less its a winning move)

If white plays Queen to A5 yes black can take white's queen without risking any material loss.... but if he does so then black gets mated because

[Variant "From Position"]
[FEN "3q2kr/Q3ppbp/3p2p1/8/3P4/2rnB3/P4PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1"]

1. Qa5 Qxa5 2. Rb8+ Bf8 3. Bh6 Rc8 4. Rxc8 Qa8
5. Rxa8 d5 6. Rxf8#

3q2kr/Q3ppbp/3p2p1/8/3P4/2rnB3/P4PPP/1R3RK1 w - - 0 1

Don't doubt stockfish! :P Even if it uses your weak smartphone CPU it can win even Magnus Carlsen (you know.. the best chess player in the world) without breaking any sweat :P
@drunkenM4ST4 Nope it's not the best move (I checked the solution of the puzzle). Plus can't you see the double arrow from c8 whereas there is not even a piece on c8?

And anyways puzzles should NOT display the best move otherwise it defeats the purpose of te puzzle.
@tourdivoire my ryzen 3900X finds in about 33 moves that its 0 not -0.8

I was mentioning that if black takes white's queen (without seemingly suffering from material loss) black would lose the game (which is not a move the engine chooses for black its a rook move that makes the game -0.8 in your computer and 0 in mine) .

but you have to understand the context here

And the context here is that his phone CPU wouldnt calculate that move your CPU finds it to be (-0.8) and mine (0) that's why its a good move, or in other words many (if not most) of the top 100 chess players moves are not the best moves if calculated by a very strong CPU in analysis. So a good move in practical terms is kind of subjective it depends on who is analyzing that move even if you use the same engine it depends on how powerful the hardware is that runs that engine (up to a point because if we go to supercomputer realms then i guess it doesn matter )

Since stockfish would be able to defeat @tourdivoire even by using his phone CPU then whatever the engine suggest (under this context) is a good move and shouldnt be disregarded.
@drunkenM4ST4 no YOU have to understand the context.
I was SOLVING A PUZZLE and stockfish somehow showes me UNWANTED arrows, some of which don't even correspond to legal moves, and the only one which does is not even best move, even according to sf (did YOU try the puzzle? Best move is R.b8 as agrees by stockfish).
So what I am talking about is clearly a BUG, as might be seen feom the other screenshot I posted.
How hard is it to understand that?

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