
Swiss Tournament Bye Requests

Hello, I'm planning on hosting a swiss tournament with scheduled rounds over multiple days.
Is there a way to give players half-point or zero point byes for a round prior to pairing to honor bye requests made in advance?

If you are late you get half point if you get bye it’s one point but your tiebreaker is low.
It very uncontributive. You said #2 just to be the second one to post in the forum.
I'm not referring to automatic byes. Is there a way to manually give byes prior to pairing which is standard practice in tournaments with scheduled round times.

Then you don’t post this stuff in other people’s thread. @Cluffas want to ask a question and you waste his time and space in this thread saying you don’t know. If every single person in Lichess posts they don’t know every time they don’t know the whole forum space would be wasted. If you don’t know go find out, or at least put some thought into it, @DARK-CORE .

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