
The whole cheating thing

Hey, guys! I just found PaulMorphy's name in the FIDE database! He must be a GM!

whoops, that's just a duplicate username on Lichess

Think about it. That "Elizabeth" bitch (from back before I started getting involved on the forum here) wasn't even female, just some Latin street dude or something lmao!!

This shit is gay man.

And it's because you interfered your careless trolling into yet another cheater decision. I admit this was fun XD

None of these resets are even permanent; as naive as I am I could have been easily persuaded into undoing a reset by any member here with more credibility than an anonymous pussy.
only scrubs think time matters when cheating, as if playing an inverted game against the computer is the only way to successfully cheat

don't be closed-minded
please play wit me mr . aristocrat unlimited


Mr. Morphy, do you have anything to say to all these bitches and hos who still compare you as obsessed with chess?
I think we should ban russians for being able to beat most non-commercial chess engines. They're getting in the way of my bot's enjoyment >:(
The real problem is that Mephostophilis is a mod.
He is more BM than anyone and still wiseasses arround.JK
I admit she didn't blunder i confused the colours.
The time-spending(Opening/mid/endgame) seems legit.
Would an engine sac a piece if there is no clear material compensation for that? atack didnt work out and the game was drawn. No engine i know about does
that except maybe houdini but it is much stronger and therefore would not let the game slip.
I am more...
...Bomberman !!
*does the Bomberman dance*

Yeah, that's one of the games I had a closer look into.
It's funny, but the algorithm for detecting cheaters that legend mentioned, picked *both* players up in that game. In fact, they both had exactly an 86% suspicion.

You could disagree from the perspective of the time stats; it was a 4-minute game.

Though it's not impossible. Think of a Windows executable that constantly stays open in front of your desktop on command; you don't even need to manually switch windows to cheat very quickly in that
case. It could take 2 seconds in that setup.

You can see which moves on that link, took 1 second or less, using the graph at the top. One explanation is premove.

About your question of the piece sacrifice, I'm checking that out right now.
Okay, your question about the piece sacrifice.

One of the chess engines in my collection, the old piece of shit, Comet build 68, gives these analysis results at move 19.

607: New game
r3r2k/pp1nbp1p/2p3pP/q2p1p1n/3P4/P1N1PP2/1PPQBB1P/2K3RR b - - 0 1

Analysis by Comet B68:

1. = (0.00): 19...Bxa3 20.bxa3 Qxa3+ 21.Kb1 Rab8
2. = (0.07): 19...Nb6 20.Be1 Bf8 21.e4 Rab8
3. = (0.10): 19...Kg8 20.Bd3 f4
4. = (0.21): 19...Bf8 20.e4 fxe4 21.fxe4 Rxe4

So the engine viewed it as the best move to sacrifice a piece, because it was the quickest and easiest draw, while others could have given Black the win but overall left White with a slight position
advantage. (The positive advantage numbers measure White's score, not Black's; that's why it lists 19...Bxa3 at the top as the best.)

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