
Lichess graphics, look and feeling

Lichess is in many ways a comprehensive and good server but with a very boring look, every thing is grey. Also text is sometimes very difficult to read because of grey text against grey background. Anyone agrees?
You can change the theme to any custom image already though
Haven't thought so much about it but different colours to show different things, not only different tones of grey. Yes, I've seen I can change to black and grey and a rather spectacular theme but I don't like them so much.
The trophys are indeed great and also the knight background at the seek graph.
FireBreathingDragon is right, the gray text is perfect as it doesn't hurt the eyes as much as black text on a white bg would, or vice versa. It's typical of good web design.
I agree with FBD .... the black/grey/low level color scheme is perfect for playing hours of chess.

I keep my dark as can be

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