
Suggestion Regarding Interactive Lichess Studies

Before I start, I should state that by "normal way" I simply mean the non-interactive way to view a study where you can see all of the moves on the right-hand side and skip around everywhere you'd like.

The interactive Lichess studies are certainly interesting and a good way to make opening studies especially but I think there should be an option to view them in the normal way as well prior to putting in all the moves. There are plenty of times where I have been curious as to what a certain study author recommends deeper in a line but I have to go through all the moves to find the recommendation and only then do I get the option to click "analysis" and view the entire chapter the normal way. If I want to see the recommendations in all of the chapters then I have to go through all of the chapters and go through all the moves in each one.

I think it would be a good idea to make the "analysis" button available in the beginning and maybe make it available for the entire study so people can skip around and check out what is recommended in certain lines.

It's also nice to be able to check how good certain studies' lines are based on the engine or win rates before you have to interactively play all the moves. Then if you think the final positions are to your liking or are objectively good enough for you, you can go back to the interactive mode and actually learn the line.

I assume this shouldn't be terribly hard to implement because it's already an option at the end of learning a line. It could just be put as an option in the beginning right to the left of "back" I would think. Or if you were to put an analysis board to view the entire study in the normal way it could be put as an icon next to the study's name on the bottom of the screen.

Hopefully, this will be considered as I think it is a way to improve the interactive Lichess studies. If people disagree. feel free to let me know why. Would love to hear some feedback (:
I think this would be a great suggestion. It would allow in-depth analysis of the lichess studies.
You can dump the PGN of that chapter. It contains all that is in the chapter as annotations and variations. Once the chapter is finished interacting with and the owner did not overdo it, you can have access to the under-board menu, and use share, where you can dump the chapter as text file. But maybe you would rather have such possibility within UI, which i understand. but meanwhile, i think that can help, work around a bit.

Also, in general, and not just in studies, and not just on lichess. It seems that "jumping" around is not really supported in features. Like with variations, one has to keep stuck in it to be able to jump to similar depth of another co-variation (stemming from common ancestor leftmost position or move). I have seen only one place where scrolling or vertical arrows on UI coud do that. But, also, the chapter list object does not allow a navigation map, for being able to do jump arounds (or point to fine grain places within). Or collapsible variations so that one could get in vertical module, an overview of all the variations.

I thinks that the minimalist philosophy of features improvements, and the hardware load question associated, some of these more interactive features might be expensive.

However, I noticed an expansion on engine interactive display features improving their cross-navigation, that could benefit the use created counter parts (variations).

Sorry if this look tangential. I think there is some overlap.
I agree with NM BraydonP, his suggestion makes sense and he is hot too #nohomo
i agree with braydon, i also wanna suggest multiple options being possible, not just one variation, so you could be able to make a sort of "opening tree" with it.

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