
Lichess User Blogs

Hello everybody.

I don't like the idea of blogs on Lichess. Now there will be an even more stream of absolutely useless information, which only takes up time, and the timeline list will turn into a heap of information garbage.

This is a chess site, not a blah-blah-blah site... Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to develop features that relate specifically to chess, and not for idle chatter.

Have a good day.
I understand your concerns about too much unnecessary information flooding. But I do not see how this blog feature could go wrong. It is mandatory and not intrusive information sharing. If you are not interested, you can ignore it and not read it.
Hello @RMario

"...not intrusive..." ?

Mmm.. These messages appear on my timeline list automatically. This is exactly the intrusive way.

And even now, I already see a huge amount of useless information on blogs.
Again: first of all, it is necessary to develop features that relate specifically to chess, and not for idle chatter.

Have a good day.
The thing is you can't comment on blogs that's what i dont like

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