
Bug Report: Swiss Tournament - Missing Pieces on Chessboard

This is a follow-up of an earlier Bug report of mine with the same problem.

Current Issue
Yesterday we had the same bad behavior as mentioned some time ago:
In the first round, 2 players could not play their games, because the board was incomplete with pieces missing.
The players could not fix it and left the tournament frustrated.

Overall Situation
This bug happened before several times in our Swiss tournaments, I tend to say it occurs often.
I also saw another post in the Forum mentioning this bug in other Swiss tournaments.

I think a fix for this is kind of urgent to keep the idea of swiss tournaments alive on Lichess.
I personally adore swiss tournaments for a couple of reasons.

Observations on the bug:
- The problem always shows up in the first round and usually is also present in the
upcoming rounds for the "infected" players.
- Seems only Firefox users are affected, also using current versions.
Other external aspects like the underlying operating system do not seem to be important.
- There is no working immediate help known to fix it for the current game.
This game will be lost on time or the player plays blindfold.
- After the game, changing to Chrome or reboot and re-login to Lichess might help.

Guess as a programmer:
I personally think that at the start of the swiss tournament - before or during the calculation of the first pairings -
something goes wrong with the settings of one or several players which affects the setup of
of the view.
This might only be visible to the player in certain circumstances, e.g. using Firefox.
I had a look at the github issue.

If it is really a problem how Firefox renders svg images, then the Lichess programmers should have a look
on how the rendering of the svgs in question - pieces on the board - differs in swiss tournaments from all other
ways playing a game.
I never encountered or heard of similar problems in arena tournaments or single games.
From a technical point of view, I would have thought that the same code would be used for rendering in all of these scenarios ...
The description of the bug by Happatsch is totally correct.

For practical use it is possible to close the window, quit lichess, close the browser, start new and login to lichess. Then you are asked if you want to join the running game. The process of restarting takes 30 to 40 seconds.
The bug is still alive.
I faced it yesterday in our Swiss tournament:
The situation is as always:
. only Firefox users could be affected
- it started in round 1
- it could be fixed immediately by clicking on "Duplicate Tab" in the tab (right mouse)
but it came back a few moves later and then after the same quick fix vanished for me in this tournament.

Another fact - also stated earlier sometimes by affected players - :
only the knights were missing.

Hope that helps anybody who will try to catch the bug ...
Hi everyone,

got the same issue and for me having a new browser and going to lichess works.
Other members of my local chess club also face the issue. Especially with 'older generations' its a bit hard to explain to them what to do.
Can someone confirm that the duplicate tab workaround is stable?

I had the same problem in my last 3 swiss tournaments played in the last 3 weeks. I was using the current Firefox browser for mac. Several times I couldn't see my pieces. In a Chess960 competition my two knights were not rendered in the first round.

I had to close the window, quit lichess, and enter again. Then I was asked if I wanted to join the running game. Quite stressful for a first round! I will try with Chrome until this bug is solved. Thanks!

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