
Cheat the cheaters

I have an idea to trick cheaters and try to prevent creating a new accounts by them again and again.

We should allow cheaters to play fake games.
1. If someone is flagged as cheater - do not inform cheaters about it. It is simple - when he is logged in do not display information about cheating.
2. If he want to play a rating game we should allow him play and trick him. Just run stockfish at similar level of his rating and use his computer to run stockfish. What about opponent name? Fake it. Choose randomly from active players and similar rating.
3. Fake tournament. We should allow cheaters to join tournament and trick him to feel he is competing real users. And fake his games.

Cheater will do what he love. Maybe he will never find out that he is tricked.

TLDR: Trick cheater to play fake games against stockfish.
Lol. Thats a funny idea. I get what your trying to say.

So, joebob gets marked as a cheater by lichess admins.
Next time he logs in everything still seems normal. Cept all the player names and games he sees are bots. Lol.

Would be a lot of work to implement but I like the idea of wasting someones time whose goal is to waste others time.
LOL I'd literally spend more time on lichess tv to watch the cheated cheaters than playing my own games

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