
DGT Chess Bluetooth Board movile app

It will be fantastic that the movile liches app had native support to DGT bluetooth board, as the Acid ape chess app. I must use Acid app for use DGT BT board, but I prefer lichess app ...

Thank you very much,
you are completely right. Lichess, please implement this feature!

I don't think most players can afford to drop $600 on a DGT board.
My DGT board has only collected dust since i bought it 11 years ago.
Thanks Toadfsky, but using a similar reasoning, lichess app should not be avalaible for IOS, most players cannot afford to drop $600 on Iphone or Ipad.

Thanks DenWalker, There are several aplicattion to do that, but I'm asking for native integration of lichess movile app. Computer web integration would be fantastic too, but have other implications, not so simple to solve it, as installing and simultaneous running a external aplicattion, or java applet, etc

I'm working on an "eboards alternative", it's my chessboarduino.
And now I try to play on lichess with a LED board.
You can discover one of the fisrt game in this vidéo with a VIP : Thibault :-)

#9 Very nice! different colors could improve further

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