
Feature Request for Mods: Chat banning.

Hi everyone, maybe this already exists and I just don't know. I think one of the bigger annoyances is people constantly spamming the chat with useless nonsense. (Or advertisements, asking people to join their tournaments that have links in them to spam, etc.)

I'm unaware of the tools that mods have at their disposal, but maybe this could be a user-level feature too.

How about a permanent chat-ban? It would still allow the user to play chess, but simply turns off their chat so they can't use it and when they try to enable the chat, it pops with a message saying "You've been banned from using chat due abuse, spam messages, or generally not following the terms of service"

From a user perspective, maybe there could be a 'chat ban' where I, as an end user, could prevent myself from seeing certain people in the chat. I don't necessarily want to prevent myself from playing them in say a tournament, but I just don't want to see their spam messages.

Clearly, temporary bans don't work for some people so maybe a permanent chat-only ban would help.
First, there is permanent chat ban, second, you can simply turn off the chat by clicking the green box at the top, so then the chat won't bother you

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