
Is America great again?

@ Rairden #127: I'm not surprised you couldn't find the JFK "quote." I think it worked, because Caplan seemed to believe you. Congrats!
Now I do remember Trump saying the same thing. I just can't find it now...
Trump desperately needs to apply the clippers to his own head. I'm thinking maybe a #2 guard would be good. If he did that, learned to put on a tie correctly, and quit having his steak well-done with ketchup like a 5 year old, his stock would rise ever so slightly with me.
Damn! I found out this wrestling business is all fake...well, at least he was brave enough to appear on this show... it seems a bit embarrassing. And yet, perhaps this appealed to a certain type of voter who could equate this with running the country...

Hehe I think he has "the bravery of stupidity" in general.

Like kids or teenagers doing dangerous/risky stuff because they don't know it's dangerous.

But anyway, most US politicians do these kind of PR things.

I remember Clinton payed saxophone on live TV, and people were like "ooo he can play saxophone, he must then be a great Pres. because we all know saxophone skill is essential for presidents." :)
It takes a lot of bravery to shave a guy´ s head when he is tied down to a chair.

Trump is a clown, an actor, Reagan was an actor.

We all know that to be a good president you must be brave to let someone give the order bomb a country, if it goes well, he will take the credit, if it goes bad, he will blame the generals, real bravery. And of course, we know that a pre-requisite to be a good president you must be a clown and an actor...
Well, facts don't lie. There's been great progress so far, 235,000 jobs created in the first month alone, more than the past decade combined. First month the national debt dropped 12 billion, in Obummers first month it went Up 200 billion. Many others too. We're in a psychological warfare. Lots of lies, hype, n propaganda. Hes not controlled like the past few criminals we've had in office, that were rigged into place. That's why he's attacked n lied about so much, there's a very powerful grasp on everything we hear, read, and even consume.

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