
Increasing the Cloud analysis depth

I'm going through all the first moves and finding many in the 20's in depth. How do we get them all up to the 30's depth for lichess. If I press analysis in my browser, is that enough for the cloud to get updated? Does someone have to be logged in so that the cloud analysis get's updated to greater than 30 deep for all first moves?
To list a few with jus tthe A00 Anderssen's Opening
1. a3 g6 (0 ; 0; 0; 0; -0.1)= -0.1 Depth 29
1. a3 d6 (0.2; 0.1; 0.1; 0; 0)= 0.4 Depth 24
1. a3 Nc6 (0.5; 0.3; 0.2; 0.2; 0.1)= 1.3 Depth 24
1. a3 b6 (0.6; 0.5; 0.2; 0.1; 0)= 1.4 Depth 24
1. a3 f5 (0.6; 0.5; 0.4; 0.4; 0.3)= 2.2 Depth 24
1. a3 b5 (0.7; 0.5; 0.4; 0.4; 0.3)= 2.3 Depth 27
1. a3 Na6 (1.1; 0.7; 0.6; 0.6; 0.4)= 3.4 Depth 22
1. a3 f6 (1.3; 1; 1; 0.9; 0.8)= 5 Depth 22

The second from last number is the total value of all 5 ply values added together.
I'm sorting them in an excel sheet by total value and noting if mastered played those moves.
Off the top of my head, your local analysis is indeed saved to the cloud ... sometimes.

I vaguely recall some of my opening analysis gettin' clouded a few years back.

No idea what determines whether a position gets clouded.
Well when I played out 1. h4 b6 ..., the depth was lower than 22. What was special was the site automatically starting up the analysis to update the cloud to 22. That was a nice feature. If I had a stronger computer would it have stopped at a deeper value?

What size of PC would be needed, so that lichess automatically updates the cloud values to a depth of 30+? Assuming that's the way it happens automatically. Obviously it happens if we press the blue plus sign. But automatically, does it stop beyond 22 or it's fixed at depth 22? I hope it's not fixed at a depth of 22.
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> That's sorta like playing the card game War with yourself.

Please explain this symally to those of us who don't know what this is.
A good while back the setting was at 18 and got moved to a depth of 22.
Do you think it's time to reach for a depth of at least 26 for all moves?

Is depth 22 really enough? I think not.

The following need more depth than 22, even if they are not the top choices of players.
a3 Na6
a3 f6 (nearly the worst response from black for 1. a3)
a4 g5 (nearly the worst response from black for 1. a4)
b3 Nh6
b3 Na6
b3 g5
c3 h5
c3 f6
d3 h5
d3 Nh6
d3 g5
e3 Na6
e3 g5
f3 Na6
f4 a6
f4 f6
g3 Nh6
g4 Na6
g4 f6
h3 Nc6
h3 f5
h3 a5
h3 f6
h3 g5
h4 h6
h4 b6
h4 b5
h4 g6
h4 Nh6
Na3 a6
Na3 d6
Na3 g5
Nc3 h6
Nc3 Na6
Nc3 Nh6
Nh3 Nc6 (One of the best black responses to Nh3 and only analyzed at a depth of 22)
Nh3 c6
Nh3 d6
Nh3 h5

Can anyone with a strong computer get them updated into the cloud with a higher depth analysis. Thankyou.
Well total value is not as good as using geometric means. So my move insight spread sheet will be sorted using geometric means and not by simple Arithmetic means. Thanks for those that have increased the depth in the moves. Ideally, I need the 5 engine analysed lines to do the geometric mean (GM) value.

So far I've compared the moves by SUM, MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, RANGE and GEOMEAN. The engine values that were below zero could not be used in the GM. So I added a value of 100 to all engine centipawn values to remove the negatives, then I sorted. It seems to give the best representation of which moves are best to least.

My spreadsheet can only be as accurate as the values extracted from the engine values and their depth of analysis.
1. f4 and 1.Nh3 both have an overall depth median of 24. They were the least analysed. While 1. b4, 1. c4, 1. d4, and 1.e4 have been analysed the most with responses at a median depth of 40.
@Toscani said in #8:
> Well total value is not as good as using geometric means. So my move insight spread sheet will be sorted using geometric means and not by simple Arithmetic means. Thanks for those that have increased the depth in the moves. Ideally, I need the 5 engine analysed lines to do the geometric mean (GM) value.
> So far I've compared the moves by SUM, MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, RANGE and GEOMEAN. The engine values that were below zero could not be used in the GM. So I added a value of 100 to all engine centipawn values to remove the negatives, then I sorted. It seems to give the best representation of which moves are best to least.
> My spreadsheet can only be as accurate as the values extracted from the engine values and their depth of analysis.
> 1. f4 and 1.Nh3 both have an overall depth median of 24. They were the least analysed. While 1. b4, 1. c4, 1. d4, and 1.e4 have been analysed the most with responses at a median depth of 40.

Try RMS.
@Toscani said in #4:
> Well when I played out 1. h4 b6 ..., the depth was lower than 22. What was special was the site automatically starting up the analysis to update the cloud to 22. That was a nice feature. If I had a stronger computer would it have stopped at a deeper value?
> What size of PC would be needed, so that lichess automatically updates the cloud values to a depth of 30+? Assuming that's the way it happens automatically. Obviously it happens if we press the blue plus sign. But automatically, does it stop beyond 22 or it's fixed at depth 22? I hope it's not fixed at a depth of 22.

for the pc thing it would be a question of cost which lichess does not want to endure
the easy way is just to do it yourself like i did here:
r1bqkb1r/pppp1ppp/2n5/8/2Bpn3/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQ1RK1 w kq - 0 6

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