
non-berserk tournaments

I might have requested this before, I can't recall, but have you put any thought into running the usual tournaments but without the berserk option? I don't mean all or even most of them, just that as an option once or twice a day at the usual time controls. Maybe I am wrong and it's just me, but I think other's might appreciate this as well. It's frustrating to play well and win a bunch of games and come in third or fourth for the sole reason that you played 5 games fewer than those before you.
Oops, I meant to also add that the non-berserk tourneys should also do away with the streak fire extra points. Just some straight up normal time-control/scoring tournaments.
That seems reasonable to me, at least for custom tournaments.
I do not play tournaments here.
1 reason: the "beserk" option.
This feature imo is one of the few things Lichess has missed as being beneficial.
Have optional tournaments with "beserk", but to have this feature available in most all tournaments is not good nor appealing for many.

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