
Lichees opening book

Hello, i use lichess opening book quite a lot and noticed something that it also includes the games played by cheaters in website which they got banned but their ranked games are still included in lichess opening database. I think its much better if lichess remove those game from database because then it would be more humanish and more reliable since some computer positions might be winning but hard to play for humans.
Unless you play a very similar repetoir to a specific player, this is likely to be a drop in the bucket.

Probably not worth doing, especially as there may actually be value in the result of that opening, regardless of how it was played.

If you really want a human set you can select Masters only, I think that is actually a good default as it shows more the strength of openings and is not so polluted by people falling for silly tricks.
Seems like the 'super human' lines might be a nice addition to the classical repertoire, nez pas ?

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