
Add increments to more blitz tournaments

I know there are occasional 3+2 tournaments already, but the vast majority (at least in the U1500 and U1700 tournaments that I play in) are 5+0 and 3+0.

A lot of the time you can be in a very winning position but you lose because your timer goes to zero and your opponent has 3 seconds left, and you get frantic piece shuffling for the last few seconds. Of course I have my share of wins while behind on the board from this, and it can add some excitement, but I'd prefer if the outcome were more dependent on playing good moves than the speed you can enter them. (Adrenaline junkies still have bullet games.)

Increment games also have the advantage that if your opponent leaves the game without resigning, there's less time to wait before they time out.

So I would like to propose that in the U1500 and U1700 tournaments we substitute the 5+0 time control with 4+2, and the 3+0 with 2+2 (does that still count as blitz? maybe 3+1 otherwise), at least on a trial basis.

Is it worth a try?
I'm not sure if Lichess will make a tournament with your suggested time control. But you can always create one.
I would also like increment tournaments instead of x+0. All FIDE competitions are now with increment. Only here we are still in the age of analog mechanical clocks that did not permit increment.
My head hurts because something I personally recommend (chess with increment) and something I personally oppose (under-X events) are combined in #1.

I don't know what to recommend.
@Boviced The problem is you can't create ratings controlled tournaments manually. And probably very few people would join.

@Toadofsky I like the Uxxxx tournaments because as a lower rated player it's not that fun to continually lose the vast majority of your games. Out of interest, why would you oppose them? The sandbaggers are a downside, but the blatants ones can be reported and banned.
@hot_yoghurt You can create rating controlled tournaments. Check out 'Advanced Settings' when creating a tournament.
@hot_yoghurt My opposition is that they encourage sandbagging and I'd prefer to see a solution which works more like USCF (the TD invites everyone to play in sections of the same event, combining small under-X sections)
Please add a rapid increment time controlled tournament!

10+2 up to 10+5 would be great. I might be actually encouraged to play 5+2, the ideal blitz time control.

FIDE championships:
rapid: 15+10
blitz: 3+2

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