
Blogs are for only who is 18+??

@MoralHelper said in #20:
> I assume the topic is going out of its actual topic.

It already has, I'm jumping the fence on creating a new topic for this so that people don't have to go through the first 15 posts to see the on-topic stuff
@A_0123456 said in #18:
> Now, for a change, can we actually know why lichess has set an age limit (or if it even is one)?

I think the reason is the same as in Kid mode: to protect the safety and privacy of children. Including disclosing sensitive information.
@RMario said in #22:
> I think the reason is the same as in Kid mode: to protect the safety and privacy of children. Including involuntarily disclosing sensitive information.

If that is true, then wouldn't it make sense to set the age limit to 16+, since that's also the limit for the forums (without parental consent or supervision I mean) and also the recommended age by lichess for switching off kid mode?
The thing is, Lichess probably doesn't actually care. It's just for liability reasons. There are huge restrictions when providing services used by kids, it's just easier for lichess to avoid all liability.

Lichess also isn't going to ever know anyways. They don't know anyone's real birthdate, and they probably don't care. They're not going to research anyone blogging to find out if they are 18+.
@hendrixmaine So cynical to say that Lichess does not care. They implemented Kid mode and tried to advocate best privacy practices. What more should Lichess do? Enforce the age verification for every user with an ID card?
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@RMario You're taking "don't care" the wrong way.

I'm saying Lichess is being forced to for (mostly dumb) legal reasons not because they actually want to prevent minors from being able to be active on Lichess.

I'm saying it's not really Lichess deciding they don't want kids to be involved in blogging, I'm saying there's a lot of legal reasons at play here.

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