
Antichess bug?

You meant "atomic chess"... in my opinion atomic rules should allow this since this is the most interesting part of atomic chess (as implemented on some servers), but the official lichess stance seems to be that we're going to use FICS rules which don't permit this. :-(
Similarly, in this position:
White: Ka1, Qb2
Black: Ka3

the FICS rules specify that Black can't play Ka2 and is forced to play the losing Ka4??
It's allowed here, but I think it's pretty silly. It's possible to still win if he's hugging your king with his (as you proved) but if it was in an open area, you'd have to get rid of all his pieces and get your king into the corner, and hug your own king with whatever pieces you had.
If the king wasn't allowed to do this, what are the chances of there being forced winning lines right from the first move, as there already are not in atomic but antichess? If having this allowance keeps things further from simple solved equations, maybe it's better...Not that I was particularly good at it but I stopped playing antichess the moment I read on wikipedia that there were already quite a few forced lines from the first move.

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