
Board Colour Request | Am I the only one who is craving for this type of board?

@Faiza_Q said in #1:
> Drop your thoughts below
Bishop takes e4

Click on your username, and in the drop down window, click on "Board Theme".
There you have a variety of different colours to chose from.

The particular one in #1, doesn't show the letters/numbers, so I doubt they will use that.
But I think they have something similar.

Edited: wait, whatever happened to the white king?
@NaturalBornTraveller said in #2:
> Bishop takes e4
> Click on your username, and in the drop down window, click on "Board Theme".
> There you have a variety of different colours to chose from.
> The particular one in #1, doesn't show the letters/numbers, so I doubt they will use that.
> But I think they have something similar.
> Edited: wait, whatever happened to the white king?

I colored the boxes that's why the pieces got disappeared
I found a thing which talks about making custom boards/pieces via user styles here which you'd then be able to see on your end:

Though I wonder how up to adding other boards they would be like they did this legendary piece set:

Though ideally it would be pretty neat if there was a "pick your square color" custom thing implemented so players could try color combos like this with ease.

In any case, that red-white combo is a bit eye-searing IMO, lol! Might' be the high color saturation and/or contrast. It would also be very hard to see certain white pieces of the Pioruetti set too. (Although that set has visual clash issues with some current boards anyway) So I'd probably make the (black) red more muted like #ff363a and (white) light-green darkened to be closer to a light olive such as #c2dd93. It'll still look pretty bright overall, but closer to midtones.
It hurts my eyes too but indeed there really should be a function to set up your very own board design /upload it.
@PkGam said in #5:
> I found a thing which talks about making custom boards/pieces via user styles here which you'd then be able to see on your end:
> Though I wonder how up to adding other boards they would be like they did this legendary piece set:
> Though ideally it would be pretty neat if there was a "pick your square color" custom thing implemented so players could try color combos like this with ease.
> In any case, that red-white combo is a bit eye-searing IMO, lol! Might' be the high color saturation and/or contrast. It would also be very hard to see certain white pieces of the Pioruetti set too. (Although that set has visual clash issues with some current boards anyway) So I'd probably make the (black) red more muted like #ff363a and (white) light-green darkened to be closer to a light olive such as #c2dd93. It'll still look pretty bright overall, but closer to midtones.
Thanks @PkGam
Navid and a very nice one with all my stuff for my house on Sunday so we could get together before Christmas for that as we will not want it same as I will have no money back to me as they have to wait till next Tuesday and I have been trying my hard hard copy of this week so will get it to work for my new job to work in and out for work on Thursday so if you're YNt then we should probably pop in and have some tea with a good guy to help out in your own area as you may well have to work out a few minutes of my journey with your mum but we have to be back at the same hotel and a very good one with me for lunch or two night lunch or dinner in town a little more if that TTYL would help in any case you're welcome and I hope you're having an enjoyable time out at in 8888 and hope you had a good time in France and you are having a good time with your family and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and friends and family and for and family for the next few months and I will be back from the UK and will be back in the UK next week and will be back in touch with the other half of the week as I am currently working on the project so I will not be able to attend the interview as I am currently working on the same day
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