
Bad puzzle

@MessyAnswer said in #1:
> Stockfish gives that 24. .. Rxf2+ is also winning.

Stockfish will give you that 24...Rxf2+, 24...Bxe4, 24....b5, and 24...Qc5 are all "winning" in the sense that the evaluation is better for Black. That is not the way the "correct" move is determined. The correct move is substantially better, by at least 3 points here, than the best of these alternatives.

You can always vote the puzzle with a thumbs down.

[Edit: Forgot the quotes around "winning". The correct move is determined by SF having gave a substantially higher eval than other alternatives, and, of course, the eval has to be in the player's favor whose move it was at the beginning of the puzzle.]
Rxf2+ puts the rook in danger.
Bxe4 loses the attacking style.
b5 almost wastes a move and loses the attacking style.
btw the best move for a puzzle is when stockfish rates it the highest, not if one side is winning. For example, a puzzle could be a mate in one move, but you delay it to a mate in 2 move. No one wants to delay a win, unless they are teasing their opponent. Serious players usually don't do this.
Qxc3, Qxg6, rxf2+, kg1, qe3 and you threaten mate and win the opponents queen. look at the SF line.
@Melvintnh327 said in #7:
> stockfish smokes weed
Stockfish is one of the best chess engines in the world. It doesn't smoke weed.
@Melvintnh327 said in #9:
> r/woooosh
> do you know what a "joke" means
So do you mean that stockfish is bad or stockfish is good? Because it seems to me that you're talking smack about stockfish

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