
Private study - suddenly chapters are empty

I mean, it's a 100% private study of my own and always has been. Would there ever be a reason I wouldn't be synchronized?
Also, looks like that must have been the problem, since the button was a play button and changed to a pause button when I just went and checked. Thanks. I must've clicked it by accident and had no idea it existed or what it did. Sorry to disrupt the thread, but I thought my issue could be related and the extra info may have helped.
Maybe this sync mode toggler is the root of all these issues. I have to think about making it more visible - maybe outright disabling it in certain cases.
It could be. I have noticed that moves do not save, even for the study creator, when not synced. It would not be a problem, except sometimes I find myself de synced when returning to an old study and do not notice at first.
I have recently used the wonderful study mode quite heftily. And i've noticed a few things regarding this subject.

First of I always or in most cases want my sync mode off because i just save the initial positions for regular training for myself and others.

So normally lichess never remembers that sync is off for any study. But in some cases when i enter my studies it is turned off even if I didn't have it turned off before. From what i best can tell but not sure this happens when it remembers what chapter i was on and that it doesn't always remember. If i then were to refresh the page i get thrown to first chapter and with sync on.

But please don't remove the ability to not be synced.

Hope this might help best regards.
What if there were an Edit and a View mode? Basically this is the point of sync button.

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