
Not giving back points lost against someone who was blocked

I lost this match to a user you blocked, but you did not give me back my points.
AFAIK It's not possible if he user is blocked after certain time frame (and due to cheating), eg:months after the disputed match.

Point are given back assuming that cheater lost every game, but that create a cascade effect on ELO (better to say Gliko) re-calculation of subsequent games.
So if too much time passed this calculation become too costly and is not done.

Again this is my understanding, not 100% sure

Ps: I see that maybe the cheater was blocked few minutes ago. In that case probably the system just needs time to do the math I mentioned (probably it does not constantly but in a batch sometimes)
Rating is not money. It is not something you accumulate. It is rather a measure to represent your strength, so it will auto-adjust. Refunding the whole amount would not work and leave many players overrated after the refund.

The linked FAQ above gives more details on that.

The TLDR version is: do not worry about refunds.