
Ban all Russian IPs

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@glbert said in #6:
>i'd be laughing my ass off if russia bans lichess before lichess can ban russia.

Yes, that would be a hoot!
@pkill said in #11:
> @glbert outside of any political views you have, banning russian ip addresses does not make sense from a technical perspective.

why, because they can use proxies? i don't care, making them use proxies is fun already.
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@vr235 said in #1:
> Given Russian aggression and Lichess' status as a French non-profit, it would make sense to ban all Russian IPs.
@vr235 said in #1:
> Given Russian aggression and Lichess' status as a French non-profit, it would make sense to ban all Russian IPs.
@vr235 said in #1:
> Given Russian aggression and Lichess' status as a French non-profit, it would make sense to ban all Russian IPs.
@pkill said in #2:
> does it really make sense though?
@vr235 said in #1:
> Given Russian aggression and Lichess' status as a French non-profit, it would make sense to ban all Russian IPs.
Lichess please ban IPs of all those who are making these type of threads!
The desire to fuck over all Russian people is a bit disturbing to me. Not every Russian is for this war... in fact many are against it. There are certainly many Russians indoctrinated by the state-owned media, but there are some that aren't. Remember that their economy is getting totally destroyed by sanctions, and all Russians are feeling it right now. No need to screw over the populace even more. The sanctions were done to punish Russia and Putin for his decisions and hopefully to deter him to some extent (or at least make him pay dearly). The goal was NOT to try to ruin the lives of all Russians, which is the only thing that a mass IP block here would attempt to do. The ONLY people this affects is the Russian populace. Sanctions and other actions against Russia should continue, but this... Don't get carried away.
Stop it. Enough of spam topics about banning Russian players. I will not argue with you anymore. Use the off-topic.
@vr235 said in #1:
> Given Russian aggression and Lichess' status as a French non-profit, it would make sense to ban all Russian IPs.
Yall believing the random fake news from BBC, CBC, etc? Smart Fellas's

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