
I found a bug in the Stockfish 10 + PNACL

If you put a white king in c4, and a black king in e5, and a black rook in e4, when it's white's turn, the Stockfish 10 + PNACL says that white player draws the game if he plays king c3. It's wrong. In that position, black has mate net, no matter what white plays.
Not according to this:

Stockfish 10 64 #-10 (depth 77) 1.Kd3 Kd5 2.Kc3 Rd4 3.Kb3 Rc4 4.Ka3 Kc5 5.Kb3 Kb5 6.Ka3 Rb4 7.Ka2 Ka4 8.Ka1 Kb3 9.Kb1 Rc4 10.Ka1 Rc1#
That doesn't changes my view of the game. Black always wins, no matter what white plays.
Do you have Print ? Because in my version here Stockfish 10+PNACL Profundidade 99/99, 311 knodes/s it is mate in 10.
probably same position for the 3rd time ;-) stockfish shows draw if thats the case, but after you move anything it goes back to normal
Depth 99, over 10 000 knodes

1. Kc3 Rd4 2. Kb3 Kd5 3. Kc3 Kc5 4. Kb3 Rd3+ 5. Kc2 Kc4 6. Kb2 Rd2+ 7. Kc1 Kc3 8. Kb1 Kb3 9. Kc1 Rd4 10. Kb1 Rd1#

Used Stockfish 10 + PNACL.
Depth 77, 2689 knodes
Stockfish 10+ PNACL
1. Kd3 Kd5 2. Kc3 Rd4 3. Kb3 Rc4 4. Kb2 Kd4 5. Kb3 Kd3 6. Kb2 Rb4+ 7. Ka3 Kc3 8. Ka2 Ra4+ 9. Kb1 Ra7 10. Kc1 Ra1#
Another line maybe.
Maybe this hapened because i was analysing the position during an analysis after a played and finished game. Thanks.
I noticed something similar, where sometimes after it finds forced mate, the engine will freeze and not update the evaluation.

So if the position was draw, then one player blunders and gives mate in 1, the evaluation keeps showing the evaluation from previous position (draw) and does not update to show mate in 1.

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