
"Classical" Arenas are now Rapid (10+0) time controls

Also, there are no true classical arenas
yes, i think that this should be the next step - to implement classical arenas - i hope they do it soon
The shortest classical time control is 25+0, or 50 minutes total. So arenas would have to be like 6 hours to get a reasonable number of games in. Plus, if there's not that many people in the arena, you will be waiting a long time between games. I don't think it would work that well. can enable in private tournaments option 15m/15s for example currently I can not set tournament with more than 7m/2s (public tournament - no problem if it is private).

On there is not problem with 10m/10m with swiss pairing which is much slower that what is done on lichess.

Do not afraid that it will be not work since - if it will be not work nobody will play such tournaments.

I feel big lack of tournament with Fisher time 5/3 10/10 15/15 on - I personally not like sudden death timers since it block longer games and playing endings.

I very happy with introducing rapid today - that is really cool since I want have classical rating not 10m sudden death - I am not play often 10m tournaments because of this limitation on

10m sudden death is not classic and now it is rapid what is cool!

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