
Follower Request

Instead of the current options: "allow followers" and "don't allow followers", there should be an option where you get a follower request and you can accept/reject it, very much like a friend request.

Simply put: it's better for privacy, and it's easier than turning it on when a friend wants to add you then turning it off again.
I suggest that whenever someone gets the follower, the tune of "Every breath you take (...and every move you make...)" by The Police should start automatically! lol
#2: :-D
That is quite the stalker song indeed.

Personally I like the current system and would loathe to see turn into some facebook-like "you're my friend"/"you're not". The system is all but intrusive as it is, and if Sting really is coming after you, you can always block him afterwards...
@elwood, what about the tune of "Get out of my life" (...leave me alone) by Aaron Neville, which would sound every time one wishes to reject a follower's request? lol

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