
Flagging with only 1 minor piece

@ArnieChipmunk said in #29:
> I am not suggesting this. I just think that these basic endgames should always be automatically declared a draw after say 5 moves. I really don’t see what the disadvantage of that is, except some minor additional programming.

That's because seemingly you didn't read all of ? If a player can still win by a series of legal moves, taking away the player's right to continue play is crazy (a conclusion USCF is still in the process of learning).
@ArnieChipmunk said in #27:
> I agree, but was referring specifically to flaggers who play on in KN vs KN just because they have 3 seconds more. That is just silly. If you don’t agree with that, then we don’t have a common basis for discussion I fear :-)

Don't think changing the rules is the right option. And if its a dead draw, 3 fold repetition or the 50 move rule should be possible to premove in most situations.

Getting flagged is annoying, we get it. But remember Blitz and Bullet are the more popular time controls for a reason. People want a chance at flagging when they're down. Just consider the number of games people get flagged or stalemated in winning positions. For instance, every chess streamer I know (including the titled ones) has flagged people in a winning position and got flagged in a losing position, its just part of the game.

If we were to carry the same logic forward, if one side just had a king and some pawns while the opponent had a few minor pieces or a queen, the game should always be a draw (because 9/10 the person with more material is going to win) - which I'll concede is not an absolutely ridiculous idea, but simply not how Blitz, Bullet or even Rapid chess was designed.
@ArnieChipmunk said in #1:
> , but why not allow someone to ‘try’ a mate for say a maximum of 5 more moves, and then call it a day? A similar thing can be done for KR vs KR which in 99.999% is also an immediate draw. Sure, allow the ‘flagger’ to try for a few moves and potentially reward his faster play, but then show a little mercy on the poor person being flagged

There is the 50 moves rule
That's exactly the difference between a human and engine.
For humans, it's easy to understand that by simply looking at position.
But engines don't understand such thing and not even fortresses.
But since humans created machines, there's chance that engines can be programmed to understand such positions. I still wait for that day. Hopefully the day comes sooner than expected.
@saurabhsangeeth said in #36:
> ArnieChipmunk said in #1:
> Hello!, slow turtle

why'd you not ping him? if you're not afraid of insulting a CM over 800 rating points better than you, why don't you say it to his face?

if you're not scared of insulting someone, at least do them the courtesy of letting them know they're being insulted.

"slow turtle" you say, but he's probably a lot faster than you since his bullet rating is soaring much, much, much higher than yours.
Let's see what would happen when #36 plays with #1 :) Who would then become a turtle?
Just play increment timed games and avoid the other tournaments that don't have increment time.
@jdwhite42 said in #37:

Didn't ping because it was already discussed and and on what basis did you call this an insult as it's a response to an insult. And if that's the case wasn't he supposed ping every single flagger while saying that

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