
engine not loading

doesn't seem to want to load on the newest version of google chrome but works on other browsers.
I'm seeing the same problem. Stockfish engine not loading locally.

JS console says:
"Lichess is open source!

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED /assets/_HsLb4p/vendor/stockfish.wasm/stockfish.worker.js:1 "

My Config:
Chrome OS Version 83.0.4103.21 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) running on HP x360 Chromebook
@mmartel To be fair, that's not the latest version of chrome - that's some cutting edge dev channel version. Latest stable chrome is 81 which works fine for me on that very same chromebook, my linux box and phone.
@Doofenshmirtz I'm not sure about "cutting edge dev channel" - it's a Beta channel, which means early general release candidate. Also, I've been on Beta channel for quite a long time, and I've never seen this error before. At any rate, perhaps it's a browser version-specific bug that only Google or a Chromium dev can fix. Perhaps it's a "new feature" or way that Chrome will handle things in the future, and not a bug, per se. I don't know. I'm just reporting what I'm seeing and letting the pros take it from there.
I'm not seeing this problem anymore. Not sure if it was a lichess or Google/Chrome browser issue, but things are working as expected again. Cheers!

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