
Thank you for removing the followers button on users profile

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Actually I feel you should at least be able to see the people you follow. I might not know all the names of people I follow by heart and I could look them up this way. Or rather: I did do that multiple times already and now I can't.
One can argue that removing the ability to see the amount of followers for everyone is good but on the other hand it feels wrong that you cannot even see this for yourself. Just hiding it for everybody else seems enough to discourage the focus on followers (which I actually never really noticed btw).

In conclusion: at least seeing the people you follow should be possible. I cannot imagine how that could be bad in any way.

Edit: well, it is very easy to miss but you can at least still find the people you follow. So that point is luckily invalid.
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@Yeltcki said in #1:
> Everyone who wants it back doesn't have a valid reason why.

Some nuance would be appropriate. People might have legitimate reasons why having this number visible would be helpful, and such remarks only polarize the community more in yes/no camps.
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@Yeltcki said in #3:
> #2 Hello sir
> We can still see people we follow:
> Thanks for your reply.

But i feel like it would be better if we can see who we followed and followed by. Not for everyone, for him/her self. And seriously, I don’t understand why followers thing can be bad? That’s only when some spammers begging for their followers. It is not weird or bad when a person cares about these stuff.

Sorry for my poor English.
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Disagree with it being completely useless. But, I never viewed it as a "clout" thing. If we have to remove it because too many people viewed it that way, fine... I still think it would be useful to see who is following you. Just take the numbers out.

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