
Board Editor Update Feedback

First off I want to say how much i love this site and the work put in too it, Truly wonderful.

Changes and Improvements are alway the correct way forward, this time i have some negative opinions.

The new system is very clumsy and time consuming the only benefit is with the pawns on an empty board. To understand in what way its clumsy imagen half the pieces are correctly placed and the others need slight movement and removal and a few added once. This combo now takes longer time and is not intuitive.
There was also a bug on the chess clubs computer yesterday witch was that i could not select the hand again.

The Best way forward would be to combine the functions:
My prime suggestion would have been that its like it was before and the last toched piece you are able to place with right click, if there is a piece of same sort then right click changes color and double right click takes it away.

That's probably not the direction others want to go.
So my second suggestion is that it is the way its now but you take back the possibility to remove pieces by dropping them of the board, and if i click and drag a new piece from outside when i drop it i'm still in hand movement. Only if i click a new piece will i go in to that pices specific placement. That will mean that the old way is still there but also the new one.

I hope this feedback was constructive and that its take into consideration, I use the board especially on the chess club a lot.

Best regards
In general i like it very much, with one small nit:

It would be more practical if click dragging an existing piece deletes the hovered pieces of that type.

while at it: in older browsers (Firefox 41.0.1, Chrome 47.0.2525.0 canary 64-bit) i can not select the 'hand' and the 'delete' symbol any more after i selected a piece symbol. It works in an up to date Firefox, have not tested it with an up to date Chrome.
[Bug] I just noticed that i can not place new pieces with windows 10 touch screen anymore. This is a catastrophe for me because i use my computer in tablet mode when i play chess. Hope this is resolved soon.
I agree your points. Thanks for the constructive feedback!

I passed it on to Brandon, the contributor who's been working on the new editor. Stay tuned.
@TheZyrax: I am sorry that you are having issues with the new board editor. I have just submitted a pull request for the other developers to consider that will make it so that if you drag a piece onto the board, it automatically selects the pointer:

Also, I did not realize that these changes resulted in not allowing the user to drag pieces off the board when the pointer is selected. This was not intentional. I will look into fixing this as well.

Lastly, browser compatibility is huge to me, and I am sorry that I might have introduced this issue. I will of course look into fixing this.

Once these changes are applied to the production website, I hope you will find that people can use the board editor the old way while keeping the new functionality. I think you will find in time that these features are useful. Creating experimental boards like this now takes seconds where before it took minutes:

Thanks for the feedback!
@TheZyrax The board editor now has the improvements I suggested above. I also addressed the touchscreen issues, and most things are working now. The only issue I am having is with using the trash can tool without touching each piece individually, but it's inconsistent. Can you let me know how things are working on your device?
@B-Max211 Yes everything runs absolutely perfectly both in and out of touch with drags, drops, clicks and holds.
I could find one small thing on my device though and that being that were you pick up the new pieces the scroll with touch is not disabled as it is on the chess board, resulting in when i drag new pieces on the board the screen scrolls down or up at the same time.

Over all I'm already in love with this merger of functionality.

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