
Cheat detected?!

I got kicked out of a game for cheat detected?! I just played a game against ya boy agent and apparently I got booted for "cheating". I had a study open in the background because while waiting for my seek to be accepted (it takes forever to get paired for a classical game), I was studying for my tournament tmrw and then didnt think to close it before started the game. Then, a few moves into the game I get booted? Is there any way to fix this?
Only cheaters have other instances of lichess in the background.

Well done, lichess.
Let's keep these brilliant updates coming.
Well in theory and gets booted for cheating? Does not make any sense. Here is the game.

I mean @JiangoFett has high bullet/blitz and classical ratings and is almost a year member with 10000+ games played. Does not make sense for him to be cheating eh? This guy seems super honest and does not fit the bill of a cheater. Maybe the system is a bit trigger happy?
The system shouldn't allow anyone to have lichess analysis in the background.
Why would cheaters use lichess to cheat? Of course they would use another program... I agree with HorseyF3, lichess analysis should be disabled during a game. I guess we have to be careful of what tabs we have open...
People cheat to win. They can not win without cheating. Any further thinking into this will just give someone a headache. @b0la
You can always try to use the "contact us" link to try to get help. Don't get your hopes up, though - you will likely be contacted by a super arrogant guy called James Joseph Clarke who will first tell you why he thinks you cheated (that email is likely to be "normal") and then, when you keep trying to explain your point of view, you will start getting single sentence emails with the general message "I am right because I say so, get over it". Eventually he will tell you you aren't a customer because you haven't bought anything... At least that was my experience when I tried to contact their "support".

I guess one gets what one paid for...

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