
[BUG] Computer analysis is not displayed (2019.12.05)

Computer analysis is not displayed after reloading the page. If you do the analysis, and then reload the page. it will be not available.
Also unavailable for computer analysis in games, if you open them in new tabs.

How to represent:
1. Play the game.
2. Make request computer analysis and wait for it will be completed.
3. Reload the page or open any game, where computer analysis already did.
4. Analysis is not available.

It happens tonight.
also happened to me
i refreshed the page cause i couldnt figure out how to close the review mistake window.
before 2.0 there was small X to close it now u have to click on review mistake button again to close it.

im using chrome
Also in the analysis the hint arrows on the Board are missing
Not working for me either, in the past day. The Request button just reloads the page. (mobile site)
Update - sometimes it does work, sometimes it doesn't.

Guess: It might be caused if both players request an analysis at roughly the same time. I had this happen tonight.

Example: the first player requests (starting the analysis), then the second player requests, but the analysis is already in progress, so the second player experiences this bug.
I've had similar problems today. Stockfish won't have an option to toggle on/off in game Analysis:

Also I don't ever see an option for "computer analysis", nor do I see the graph if the analysis has already been run. The tab is missing altogether:

Analyzing games and openings with Stockfish is arguably lichess's most valuable feature, so I hope they can fix this soon!

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