
Puzzle #TD34Q Needs changing

The move Rc3+ is the answer with Mate in 21 but e7 at a low depth is equal but once you get to depth 31 it says +7.2. I played e7 and is was said to be wrong despite being completely winning :(
@LouisBuckland said in #1:
> The move Rc3+ is the answer with Mate in 21 but e7 at a low depth is equal but once you get to depth 31 it says +7.2. I played e7 and is was said to be wrong despite being completely winning :(

because rc3 you can put the rook behind your pawn allow it to become a queen

well e7 does win just takes alot longer
plus it allows black to sack the rook for the pawn which he cant do normaly
@for_cryingout_loud yes I've seen the idea but it's choosing between winning and very winning - a puzzle should either have one winning move or multiple that are all correct not an answer and a move that is completely winning but wrong.
@LouisBuckland said in #3:
> @for_cryingout_loud yes I've seen the idea but it's choosing between winning and very winning - a puzzle should either have one winning move or multiple that are all correct not an answer and a move that is completely winning but wrong.

one allows you to get a queen the other makes it that you have a rook vs his pawns which is alot harder
hence why rc3 is right
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