
feature idea-request?can there be analysis available on lichess tv?

can there be analysis available on the go on the lichess tv? is it an easily implementable feature either client or server analysis?
coming to think of it many lichess players would find it helpfull or entertaining i think

To elaborate further i suppose cloud analysis would be cheap to implement after all there are always only 14 human played game positions at any moment but is that an easy to implement feature for the lichess platform? to take it a step further if it were easy to implement or achieveable i wouldn't expect super deep analysis of fast tc games but i suppose with enough resourses one could get pretty descent analysis even there. It could also be handy to set stockfish to multi-pv to show good alternate moves and bad moves even on the get go.

i think an extension doing the same thing with client analysis would be easy to make although such a suggestion is propably deserving of the answer "cool idea go ahead and build it yourself"

anyway i wanted to point out that former idea in case someone hasn't already thought about it

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