
Question of the day: If you could change in ONE way, what would it be?

Hide all ratings would be fantastic, it would allow one to play a few games in a row and not obsess over a few points :).
Immediately closing all threads asking why someone closed their account.
I will add one feature like to add some coins.If you win a match,you win 10 coins,you lose you get 5 coins.
Patron price will be : 10000 coins (One-time)
Patron price : 5000 (Monthly)
@Linspiring I guess I should have been clearer, I'm not looking for a zen mode more like an option to never see ratings even in between games. Takes away the focus from a metric that is not that useful.
@lookingforyuri you could probably do it with a stylish or tampermonkey. I've learned if you want som ething done on this site you've gotta do it yourself.
Lol that's a bit of a harsh comment for a site that's awesome, completely free, and constantly evolving....
delay instead of increment (i want to ensure I have 30 seconds for a move, but i don't like time is added on the clock because of increment)

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