
Bug?: dropdown menu for study names


when I am in a study of mine and click "manage topics" and start to type the name of the topic the study should recieve, the dropdown menu with suggestions is in some way behind the window where I type. I can see a grey version of it rolling out below the window and it looks like that I am supposed to click on a name there but its not possible.

Is this a bug? Or am I doing it wrong?
Also: Is there a way to see the topics assigned to the studies in any kind of overview? Or a way to filter study such as "all studies without a topic" or "all studies with topic x and topic y"?

@AAArmstark said in #2:
> Looks like a bug to me. Thanks for reporting it! I have opened an issue on GitHub:


@rooooks said in #1:
> Also: Is there a way to see the topics assigned to the studies in any kind of overview? Or a way to filter study such as "all studies without a topic" or "all studies with topic x and topic y"?

And any chance u have an answer to these questions? :P
@rooooks said in #3:
> And any chance u have an answer to these questions? :P

I don't think that's possible at the moment. You can add/remove your topics here and then select a topic in the left side bar to display the according studies (but you probably know that already).

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