
Wrong Eval Displayed on Book Page in Lichess App on Android

I'm seeing the wrong eval for positions displayed in the Lichess app on Android, when I'm on the book page. The engine is working correctly, but it's picking the eval from the worst move instead of the best move. Here is an example stockfish evaluation:

It shows the evaluation as -10.8, assuming black takes the queen, which is the best move.

Yet you can see in the following screenshot that it shows the position as +3.7, which is what it would be if black castled and didn't take the queen.

So it seems to be taking the worst line and showing that as the position's evaluation. What's causing this? It's been going on for at least a week. I expected to see lots of bug reports about this, but it seems to just be me?
Is anyone else able to reproduce this behavior?

On the Android app, pick a position with largely varying evaluations for the top moves, and then see if the main evaluation on the database page is for the best move or the worst move.

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